of Christchurch Polo Club
We love seeing new members join and become part of the club. So please get in touch if you would like to join.
Membership Options Breakdown -
Tournament Membership
Chukka Only Membership
Junior Membership
School Leavers Membership
More Info
If you wish to become a full tournament playing member the cost of joining Christchurch Polo Club is $600, with junior membership at $300 and discounts for first year school leavers and chukka-only memberships.
Tournament dates will be loaded onto this website once set for the season and most of the South Island tournament entry fees are $80 per weekend (three day tournaments sometimes carry an additional fee). If you are a club member it is free to attend club chukkas, however we are a not-for-profit organisation, so all club members are asked to help out with club tasks, such as the putting up and taking down of the pitch boards each season. The season runs from November to mid-March each year.
Pony hire isn’t available through the club, however a number of club members can hire you ponies if you require – contact our club captain, Charlie Wood, if this is something you would like more information on.
For any further information on how to join the club, please get in touch with Jimmy Wood (President), Charlie Wood (Captain) or Lea Dieterle (Secretary).
Contact information
Spectators are always welcome at tournaments.